I enjoy the medieval ages medieval fantasy or anything that reminds me of it. This week we are taking a look at being castled. Which takes place in a medieval fantasy world. Where you protect your people of the sun from the terrors of the night the big appeal. With this game to me is the fact that the focus is purely on defense. Which involves building a castle to the best of your abilities so you start off customizing your kind of game.
Whether you want the tutorial enabled the amount of resources map type and also the number of neutrals on stage. Which are basically like wolves. I still recommend you to start with just to get a basic understanding of the game's mechanics. Once the game is started you need to put down your keep in your main hexagon. So the map itself is divided into hexagons for you. To control and take control of another one you can do an adjacent hexagon using spending some wood. That you'll get from collecting the resource. So speaking of wood and the next thing is that you'll have to gather some wood and the way you do that is you build a sawmill and assign workers to it so. The more workers that you have in the building the more resources you'll gain.
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Becastle Game Strategy |
So more workers can be gained by building houses and keeping your mood high and higher. Workers moving in and having your build village and filling out those spots as quickly as possible. So the mood itself can be improved with decorations as well as tavern I mainly use taverns decorations kind of takes a little longer but I mainly just use taverns and once again you just have to assign workers. To the taverns and be good to go it's very simple and honestly one of the pluses of this game very simple to learn and you know to get into and it doesn't overcomplicate itself. With too many mechanics so outside of just wood there are other resources to worry about.
You have sunstones that are needed to maintain the upkeep of your army. You have food which is very important to feed your villagers. Stone will help you to build stone buildings and other kinds of buildings as well as siege engines. While iron helps with upgrading and creating certain unit types. So these resources are far less common than wood and in my playthrough. They are really only found in one tile each tile will have like maybe one of those resources so you may go and you'll see nothing but then you'll see a pond. You can use it to get fish obviously if you see a stone query that's for stone.
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Becastle Game Building Strategy |
If you see wild animals you can build a hot hunting lodge. And a bunch of other stuff so the resources themselves actually don't run out. It's more based on how fast you can produce. So once you get a place to make food or what have you it's best to expand your working slot as much as possible. In order to gain that resource as fast as possible because there's no penalty. You know moving too fast you won't like to expel the resources or anything like that but maybe in the future, they can have a mold like. That you'll also eventually reach your limit in how much wood and stone you can carry at once and you'll need to build warehouses and barns to store your access supplies.
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Becastle Game strategy |
So again pretty simple system and honestly works very well here. Eventually, you'll get some swordsmen and the night will come so this is the theme of the game you build up yourself.
During the day gather resources and at night you fight and defend so the first few nights are pretty easy but it definitely does get harder in a later game. Mostly I didn't have to worry too much because a lot of the night enemies were actually taken out by wolves. So it felt very anticlimactic archers definitely come after the first night and are honestly far more effective for defense.
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Becastle Game Nightlife |
Especially with my keep being located on a hill. I have the height advantage so the enemies would have to go around If they would want to defeat me. Again early later on they were more of a threat with siege equipment and all that stuff. So yeah eventually you'll realize that you're going to need some walls.
Towers and even some siege equipment like Ballistia and Trebuchets become very necessary for defense. That's because the AI will start to bring stronger units as well as their own siege equipment as I mentioned before. They have rams towers ladders catapults walls that are very easy to put down and upgrade. They basically just use the sides of the hexagon so it's very easy to set up walls and also to create some checkpoints too. Early on I really didn't do it just had like one outer wall but as I started to expand. I started to add checkpoints in order to make it a little more complex. If they pass one and honestly my castle looked pretty good by the end of it. So it looked like a pro but it really wasn't that hard.

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Is Becastle Game Free?
No, this game is not Free to play.
Is Beastle better than Age of Empire?
Plating these two Games is a completely different experience, and both games are awesome on their own.