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Cricket 24 vs Cricket 22: Which is the Better Game?

The Ultimate Showdown Cricket 22 versus cricket 24. It's like comparing your favorite pair of sneakers to a brand new fancy set of shoes we're her

Cricket 24 vs Cricket 22: Which is the Better Game?


The Ultimate  Showdown Cricket 22 versus Cricket 24. It's like comparing your favorite pair of sneakers to a brand-new fancy set of shoes we're here to find out which one is worth your time and money. First off when you fire up these games you're immediately met with the user interface the fancy way of saying how the game looks. Cricket 22 went for a simple light blue theme which is about as exacting as watching pain dry but cricket before. The game brought the party with a dark sleek modern look. 


Graphics compression between both games:

Let's talk about Graphics and the makeover of cricket gaming Cricket 22 had a laidback Vibe like a lazy Sunday afternoon while Crick 24. Cranked up the volume with a darker more colorful tone. It's like tuning a classic black-and-white movie into a Vivid high-definition spectacle. Plus these licensed stadiums in England and Australia are like VIP passes to the coolest party in town. 

Cricket 24 wins the graphics Department. Hands down when it comes to licensing. Cricket 24 pulls out all the stops they've got the Golden Goose. Eight IPL teams and a bunch of other licenses make it feel like a cricket carnival. Now Cricket 22 doesn't have those heavy weights but it plays its wild card with a fantastic community. 


We can find player creations that could easily pass for licensed stars but here's the twist Cricket 24 licensed. Players sometimes look like they went through a funhouse mirror makeover. We've got fast Bowlers turning into spin. Wizards lefties batting with the wrong hand and short players suddenly becoming Giants, so if licensees have a jam Cricket 24 is your party. If you want a creative Community, Vibe Cricket 22 has got you covered speaking of stadiums.

IPL stadiums in 2024 and 2022:

Cricket  24 decided to host a stadium party 50 of them to be precise but here's a catch some of them haven't quite shown up yet. IPL stadiums like the Glitter at the Party license stadiums though have their own unique charm. Cricket 24 wins in the venue wipe category when it comes to player models. 

Indivisual Crickter in 2024: 

Cricket 24 breaks to the table better facial models skin tones and slightly less. Chaotic hair physics but is a kicker some of the license players don't look like their real-life counterparts at all. David Warner looks as Slim as Virat Kohli, and Ravi Bishnoi on the other hand looks as tall as Ishant Sharma. Cricket 22 manages to keep it school when it comes to the models even with hair and beard. 


Physics is like a comedy show gone wrong the  Moment of Truth gameplay play Cricket 24 might look like a blockbuster sequel but it's more like a  Deja Vu with Cricket 22. Batting is pretty much the same it's like meeting an old friend it's nice but nothing new. However, Cricket 24 wins some brownie points for smoother gameplay. It's like switching from a bumpy car ride to a smooth roller coaster.

Bowling on the other hand is where Cricket 24 throws a curve ball they might have the same control but spin Bowlers are utterly useless they do not turn the ball at all. It's like trying to get a cat to bark this alone makes Cricket 22 a champion in gameplay. 


Advantages and Disadvantages:

There is more disappointment Fielding which Cricket 24 promised would be revolutionary turned out more like a pocket Revolution while Cricket 22 had some fielding hiccups. Cricket 24 added a few more Miseries fielders who have gone Rogue! running sideways to the ball Escaping The Boundary like it's on fire and sometimes just saying nope not today let's hope they get their act together soon. 

AI is the game's brain power in both games. Have issues like the batsman leaving the last ball of a super over to the wicketkeeper and field settings completely irrelevant. 


What the bowler is doing in Cricket 24 has slightly improved upon the issue of unnecessary runouts. Although otherwise, the AI remains pretty much the same. In both the games game modes remain pretty consistent but Cricket 24. As a bonus feature of directly playing World Championships in all formats. Straight from the menu, however, the FPS is like hosting a party and forgetting to pay.

The electricity bill night games can drop like a beat in a dance-off then there are the bugs and on PS5 carrier mode crashes all the time both games also share a special feature. Where players can casually stroll through barriers and perform magic tricks walking through. Each other and even diving into the storms like they are auditioning for a superhero role so the grand showdown of Cricket 22 was Cricket 24.


Here's the verdict if you're rocking Cricket 22 already no need to trade it. Unless you are a Die Hard fan of licenses just hang tight for patches and updates and if and when Cricket 24 decides to play. Cricket 24 is a new flavor with a few nuts and sprinkles the choice is yours.

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