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FarCry-6 The Controversy and Story Line Explained.

FarCry-6 The Controversy and Story Line Explained. The Continuation from farcry5 games. Specification of FarCry 6 PC , How to install FarCry 6 games.
Far Cry 6 PS 5 poster
Far Cry is a famous open world gaming franchise from Ubisoft. Far Cry 1st release on 24th march 2004 developed by Crytek and the famous gaming franchise gained it's success and become everyone's favorite after there 3rd open world stories. Far Cry 3 was a huge success for ubisoft. The main key point of Far Cry franchise was its engaging storyline and open world atmosphere.
Far Cry 6 in game action adventure
Now this time Far Cry 6 is coming with new adventure. The new story plot is set on the fictional island Yara which is slightly based on modern day Cuba. The main storyline is about dictator Anton Castillo , played by Giancarlo Esposito. 
The Story Line :  
Far Cry franchise is famous for there in game engaging story line and plot twist and real life like events. Back to back Far Cry series emerged as a gamer favorite. This Time the we are going to face the new challenge and adventure in Yara a modern day Dictator ruled country. Who seeks to bring his son , to be heir amidst a revolutionary uprising.

Story Continuation : 
Far Cry franchise are connected to each other by there awesome stories and Ubisoft did not disappointed this time too. We have seen in Far Cry 5 ending a explosion out there and this explosion is connected in Far Cry 6 beginning.  In Yara we have seen a situation after the apocalypse. 
Far Cry 6 scene
Look closer the date on the ticket it is the day of apocalypse  

Far Cry 6 PC Requirement : 
  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 1200 - 3.1 GHZ or Intel Core i7- 9700
  • MEMORY: 16 GB 
  • OPERATING SYSTEM : Windows 10
  • File Size : 60 GB 
Far Cry 6 Gameplay
Far Cry 6 Gameplay 
The Controversy of Far Cry 6 :
Recently a new controversy has begun. The main reason for controversy was in game cockfighting. on 10th October PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has released a statement against the cockfighting and asked the gaming company Ubisoft to Replace it with something else. 

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